By: Nancy Raskauskas | Posted the | October 13, 2010 | Comments off
CORVALLIS - Lois Brooks, who led the University computer company for his 25 years at the University of Stanford, 11 has been appointed new vice provost for information at the University of Oregon State services.
As vice provost, she will oversee information network technology and infrastructure which is essential for learning activity dynamic search OSU and administration by the University students. With 40 million annual expenditure, information technology is a rapidly growing, complex and vital part of Oregon State University and its land grant mission.
Brooks will succeed Curt Pederson, who served as vice provost for information since 14 ans.Pederson services helped to solve a difficult financial situation in its hiring in 1997 information services, and then led the development of the OSU Open Source Lab and is part of a team leading to the implementation of new it governance process at. It has also helped develop the infrastructure and support for the "5th, site" which provides with than it needs to Office of the Chancellor and the four regions campus.
? Brooks will take place in the coming months leadership transition, OSU officials say, with remaining at OSU Pederson to focus on strategic IT initiatives.
"Laws Brooks helped guide Stanford enormous growth in the calculation of his teaching and has been able to build a collaborative, effective, and cost-effective program through innovation and partnerships," said Sabah Randhawa, OSU provost and Executive Vice President."This experience as Oregon State University as well as we continue to develop our computing capacity and implement new it governance process."
A graduate of the University of San Francisco, Brooks was earning degrees MBA from the University of California at Berkeley and Columbia University.She joined Stanford IT team in 1984 working in information and medical graphics, then begin to rise through the ranks of the gestion.En 1998, it Director of academic computing, overseeing a $ 18 million annual operation provides technology, software development and support services to Stanford students and teachers.
In 2009, Brooks was invited to Executive Leadership Foundation of Sakai, on an interim basis until June of this year so that it would by reorganization.The Foundation is a non-profit company engaged in collaboration with the design, development and distribution of free software for education, research and scholarly activities.
"It is an honour to join Oregon State University," said Brooks. "OSU has solid background in excellent research and teaching, as well as a deeply committed community of students, professors and personnel.Technologie information is an essential element of the educational and academic research, and I look forward to working with the OSU community to develop and deliver innovative vision technology that promotes education and research in the years to come.
OSU has been a leader among the institutions of the University of Oregon for the information technology system and is home to a large part of it infrastructure and administration for 5 th of the OUS site .the ' University was also significant technology challenges; in addition to functioning single branch campus of Bend, State it has offices in many counties extension, exploits Hatfield Marine Science Center in Newport, has a network of stations farm of the Oregon experience and has a growing State with 24,000 students enrolment.
Search large enterprise University, that last year topped $ 275 million, is also growing computing needs, makes Randhawa remarquer.OSU leads international programs include ocean observation platforms, satellite, climate change, forests and agricultural monitoring templates and additional fields for data-intensive data transmission "requiring a robust and state-of-the-art infrastructure and skillful management."
"Technologies of information is critical learning, research and universities for research in the 21st century educational objectives," said Randhawa, "and we are lucky to Lois Brooks lead us into the future."
-Mark Floyd, Oregon State University
